School LMS




الفصل التمهيدي للأطفال لدينا مخصص للأعمار المختلفة. تعمل هذه الفئة العمرية على تطوير مهاراتهم الحركية الدقيقة والجسيمة التي تكتسب الاستقلال وتطور مهاراتهم الاجتماعية من خلال اللعب.

1931, Founded in Princeton

Over the next twenty years, the school grew to encompass a faculty of six and a student body of forty, all housed in Mrs. Chapin’s cramped apartment in “downtown” Princeton.

1958 ، انتقل

Remembered as “a white-haired Southern lady with a heart-shaped face, fine nose, nice eyes and a manner of beetling her eyebrows to command

عام 1961 ، الذكرى الثلاثين

Remembered as “a white-haired Southern lady with a heart-shaped face, fine nose, nice eyes and a manner of beetling her eyebrows to command

تمكين الخريجين

It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church.

الطلاب مستعدون

It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church.

منزل السيدة فرانسيس إدموند

It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church building on All Saints.

11 Mercer Street.

It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church.

Herbert O. Hagens '60

It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church building on All Saints.

برنارد كيلجور

It started out as a preschool with five students in a church located in the heart of Princeton. Growing rapidly, the school moved into a larger church.

الرابطة الوطنية للمدارس المستقلة
رابطة المدارس الفرنسية
جمعية نيو جيرسي
الرابطة الوطنية للمدارس المستقلة
رابطة المدارس الفرنسية
رابطة المدارس الفرنسية